We’re Running Boston!

We will be running the 2023 Boston Marathon in support of the Ron Burton Training Village. RBTV’s mission is to train challenged youth to achieve their purpose through education, leadership, physical wellness, social advancement and spiritual growth.

Started by former NFL first round draft pick Ron Burton, RBTV puts a major emphasis on pushing the physical limits of the kids in the program, using running and exercise as a means to build confidence and resilience. Every day at RBTV begins with a 7 mile sunrise run through the woods of Hubbardston, MA.

From Pat: “As a lifelong athlete and former college football player myself, I know that pushing beyond our comfort zones physically allows us to push beyond our comfort zones in life, in our careers, and in our relationships. 

I am beyond honored to be a part of the RBTV 2023 Boston Marathon team. I believe, now more than ever, that programs like RBTV are needed for our youth. I hope to visit RBTV and share more on social leading up to the marathon.

I invite you to “run with us” and donate to RBTV. I will give it my all for everyone at RBTV and PlantPub. #plantpowered”